Code of Conduct
ℹ️ Why do we need a Code of Conduct?
Here at Pruna we’re really proud of the inclusive company culture we’ve built — thanks to all our amazing Pruners — but we know that as we scale we need to be explicit and clear about what is and isn’t Pruna culture.
Studies show that companies, conferences and communities with explicit codes of conduct have less incidences of harassment and that the best time to implement a code of conduct is well before you need one.
Pruna is committed to proactively providing, cultivating and protecting a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for everyone, regardless of level of experience, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, nationality or other similar characteristics.
We don’t think it’s enough to be not racist or not sexist, which is why Pruna is anti-racist, anti-sexist and pro-actively inclusive.
This code of conduct applies to all Pruna employees, contractors and visitors within Pruna’s offices, at external events and on electronic communications and social networks and intends to set out both expected behaviours and to detail what is considered unacceptable.
✅ Expected behaviour
A) Language
- Be polite and respectful towards Pruners and any visitors at all times
- Use gender-inclusive language and check preferred pronouns
Avoid using gendered terms like “dude” or “guys” and instead use gender-inclusive language like “everyone” “team” “Pruners” or “people”
- Default to English wherever possible
- If emotions run high, defer conversations to a later time
B) Actions
- Welcome all visitors (candidates, contractors etc.): say hello, introduce yourself, offer beverages and assistance
- Be respectful in your actions towards all Pruners and visitors
- Share ideas, knowledge and credit generously
- Be positive and responsive
- Support your colleagues
- Respect tastes, habits and customs of others even if they differ from yours
C) Online
- Remember that Slack and Zoom can miss context like body language, tone of voice, etc.
- Quickly clarify any potential misunderstandings
- Use professional tone and appropriate vocabulary
- Respect everyone’s privacy
❌ Unacceptable behaviour
A) Language
- Use of disrespectful language (e.g. off-colour jokes, insults etc.)
- Use of sexualized language or imagery
- Use of unwanted nicknames, inappropriate or derogatory words
- Criticism of a person for their physical or moral characteristics and opinions
- Disregard for other people’s opinions
B) Actions
- Aggression or threats of violence
- Any sexualized attention or advances
- Intimidation or harassment of any kind
- Putting others in a dangerous situation
- Communicating another Pruner’s private personal information to other people
- Any illegal activity
C) Online
- Spamming, trolling or other similar behavior
- Engaging in any behavior that may negatively impact Pruna’s image
- Any illegal activity
👮 Violations of this code of conduct
All reported incidents will be followed by a thorough confidential investigation by the people and executive team. The safety of the victim and any witnesses is our number one priority. All information will be kept confidential throughout the investigation process and thereafter.
Pruna is and intends to always be a safe environment where speaking up is encouraged and under no circumstances will victims or witnesses to unacceptable behaviour be subject to retaliation.
Consequences are determined on a case by case basis by the executive and people team according to the severity of the facts. Possible consequences include warnings, exclusion from the office, suspension and dismissal.
❓ What can I do if I am the victim or witness of unacceptable behaviour?
A) If you witness unacceptable behaviour:
Under no circumstances should you put yourself or the victim in further danger. If safe to do so:
- Offer your help in a way that de-escalates the situation and removes the victim from immediate harm. For example, offering to accompany the victim outside for a walk, offering them a quiet meeting room etc.
- Ask the person who is behaving unacceptably to stop. For example, invite them to take a walk outside of the office or to leave the event.
- Seek external assistance from other Pruners etc.
- Report the incident and encourage the victim to do the same
B) If you are the victim of unacceptable behaviour:
Under no circumstances should you put yourself in further danger. If it is safe to do so:
- Ask a colleague or manager for help
- Remove yourself from the situation and seek help
- If you’re comfortable to, ask the person behaving inappropriately to stop
- Report the incident
☝️ How to report an incident:
A) Reporting by email
You can contact Rayan our CEO or Caroline our external consultant on People & Inclusion.
B) Reporting in a confidential meeting
Contact any of the above to schedule a meeting in order to report the incident.
Have questions about this policy? Please contact the People team.